May 14, 2017 was the dedication Sunday for our “Dreams to Reality” capital campaign. Pledges that day totaled $250,000, and by the close of the campaign we reach our funding goal of $500,000 for expenses related to our building project and temporary relocation. We are grateful for everyone who is part of making God’s vision for our property become a reality.
During Summer 2021 Central UMC temporarily relocated from our church property in Ballston to office and worship space located at 4701 Arlington BLVD in the Arlington Forest neighborhood. During three years of construction our church property will be transformed into an 8 story building that will include space for worship, pre-school, and 144 units of affordable housing.
Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen
Senior Pastor
A graduate of Boston University School of Theology, Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen is an ordained Elder and has served as a minister in the Virginia Conference since 2007.
Pastor Sarah has a passion for international mission, Christian formation, and worship. She can be contacted by phone at 703-527-1783 or via email.
Tish Van Patten
Office Manager
Tish manages all aspects of the CUMC office. Tish helps members share information and news, coordinates events, and administers the church operations. She is also available to help visitors plan their visit to CUMC.
Tish can be contacted at 703-527-8844 or [email protected].